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portrait of Werner Haenggi


Make your products accessible to everyone

Accessible digital products allow people with impairments to lead an independent and meaningful life. Also, it means they can do business with you.

Benefits of Accessibility

Digitalization opens opportunities for people with disabilities to lead a self-determined and independent life. Whether an impairment is permanent, like blindness, temporary, or age-related: Everyone will benefit from accessible software and digital products. We believe that accessibility is not a feature, but an important quality marker and business differentiator. We help you learn about accessibility to improve your products and ensure that your customers get the most out of your offering.

Woman sitting at desk working on her laptop

Reach more customers

20% of the Swiss population and more than 1 billion people worldwide live with a disability. People aged 60 and older outnumber children under 5. At the same time, 46% of them have at least one form of disability, be it a visual and hearing loss or cognitive or motor impairment. Increasing your customer base helps your business as much as these prospects.

Improve cost efficiency

Finding and solving issues early in the development can be up to 100x cheaper than doing it late in production. Accessibility is future-proof and reduces the need for costly re-designs. It is innovative, improves SEO, minimizes your operational cost, and increases your customers’ satisfaction.

Positive brand image

A recent analysis of 1 million websites found that 97.4% of them have accessibility errors. Offering accessible products shows that you care, and your customers will notice. Among other things, benefits are an enhanced brand image and reputation, increased sales and customer loyalty.

Facts and Figures

  • 20%

    of the Swiss population live with some sort of disability

  • 377'000

    people in Switzerland have a visual impairment

  • 1 in 4

    Swiss online shops are accessible

  • 97.4%

    of all websites have accessibility issues

Webinar: Bring down digital barriers

Why do accessible websites and applications benefit everyone? How much effort is needed to make a website or application accessible? How does a user surf the web with a screen reader? What is in it for you?​​ You'll see (pun intended) in this webinar.

Your accessibility journey starts here

man using an accessible keyboard

Accessibility Testing

Is your website accessible?
We assess the product and generate a report on your accessibility status.

finger clicking on an accessibility audit button

Accessibility Audit

We check the product against WCAG 2.2 AA and eCH0059 standards and guidelines.

man in wheelchair meeting with a woman at a table

Accessibility Consulting and Training

We design workshops that are tailored to the needs of your team and transform your co-workers into accessibility experts. Suitable for project managers, designers, and developers.

Let us know how we can help

Make your product as accessible as possible to maximize its potential. Our accessibility team works with you to ensure that your product or service is accessible to everyone, assisting you in meeting your goals and ensuring your success.

Talk to a specialist
Three people in meeting room seen from behind through glass wall

«Testing by a blind person has opened our eyes in many ways: on the one hand, bug reporting through the direct interaction was much easier, but on the other hand it was also interesting that we were able to test and improve general usability through accessibility testing.»

Josephine Scherler

Former Head of Frontend, TWINT